A Balance of Focus

I had an idea the other day, and was based on the orientation. In the world of coaching refers to "what you focus on what is." This is not a new philosophy, which was jumping around for a while. And it's really very simple - if you focus on the right things, you will see good things everywhere - if you focus on the wrong things, you will see bad things everywhere. This is of course a very small amount, but only because I'm sure you're familiar with this principle.

The idea that I got (to return to the point!) Had to do with the time they choose to focus, and how it can act as a barometer of our happiness.

They say most of your home is in the past, focusing on past pain, past joys, past victories, past losses, past love, regret the past, and so on. Since you are living in the present, but focus on the past, how lasting joy that you can live with firmness in the thoughts of the past and present? It focuses on what you need and what is not. Like it or not, that focus on the pain - the pain.

Even if you focus on all the good times in the past - too much time spent here leads to pain. Let's be honest, spending so much focus on the past, finally burn your happiness. You spend time on what could or should have been. You are consumed by that, I never come to pass - because it has happened.

What happened most of their attention on this? Go to work, see friends, family, the home you live in, the car you drive, the clothes you wear. While focusing on the present, and that this can not be changed. Totally focused on this means no change!

By focusing exclusively on this does not make plans. Why you - the plans for the future! Concentrate only isolates progress today. You would not go to this promotion, improve your diet, exercise, except for holidays, visiting friends, family or anything that involves a vision or interaction.

No stops and just tired of the same opinion - rich this is a Merri-go-round of life similarity. You expect less of themselves and others. Life becomes very boring. Groundhog Day.

What that focused entirely the future? You have to do this, see the map of this person, this thing, this point, plan vacations, etc. It is fair to say that these things are concentration and attention - these are things to ask! But if you're too focused on what needs to be done, then what about today?

Today is then filled with half-finished projects. The next shiny thing that comes to steal your attention and you are new! You can not sit and smell the roses. You go through every day unhappy and unsatisfied and unhappy are not where you want to be yet.

So what is the answer?

I think balance is the key. If we focus too much on one of these three, then our life becomes unbalanced. Just as we are told to eat a balanced diet, we must also maintain a balanced approach.

Maybe it's time to ask - "Where is the essence of my accent" is focused on the future, the present or the past, Are you going to one of them also can?? be unhealthy.


I think the balance says that each has its place, but too much of anything is not a good thing and set aside another is not good either.

The past, present and future, all have an important role to play in regard to our goal. The past can teach us to help better navigate today's challenges. The future may give us hope, something to strive for. This is very important - we are always there physically!

So, you want to give everyone the same attention and time? I think not. The balance does not necessarily mean a draw. This can be a good balance for one person may not work as well for another. It is difficult to know exactly what the best combination is - every person is different and try to accomplish different things. I am convinced that if you spend less time focused on the past and let their influence future direction of your current home, you will find your open to the possibilities of the future world, the wisdom of the past and the joy of the present.

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