Get Paid to Travel the World - And Never Hold a Job

Would not it be great to travel the world and get paid for it? When people think about traveling, they think of two models "obsolete trip.
1) They work really hard and save a lot of money. Once you have "enough money" trip back in time as you can before going broke and find another job (or go back to your old).
2) Traveling in their work. These would be low-paying jobs like working on a cruise ship, as a tour guide, bartender, adventure sport instructor, or simply getting a regular job in an exotic location. A better option, of course, but ...
How can you travel wherever your heart desires, "working" on something you love? The answer is closer than you can imagine, and much more feasible. No, you do not have to sell anything to your friends or join a cult. I present to you option 3.
3) Use a simple technology to automatically provide people with value. To do this, you make money.
Sounds like fun? This is without a doubt.
The underground movement of travelers who do not have jobs and "work" Internet cafes and on laptops a few hours a day (or week) increases every day. Here are some quick ways you can join this group.
Save your travel adventures and drive Internet traffic to your videos. Taking pictures and videos anyway, why not make some money for it? Did you know that you can use sites like YouTube and Flickr to send traffic to websites that will pay you for the traffic?
Write about your travel adventures. Most travel writers work "like crazy to make a meager one hundred U.S. dollars by selling their stories to travel magazines. Instead, get a good paying job on Elance or Guru ... or better yet, post your stories to your own easy to create blog and make a Google Adsense income off of your readers.
Become a reseller of the biggest store in the world ... eBay! This is one of these modes incomes of all time underestimated. Most people think they have to ship a physical product on Ebay ... limiting its inventory of what you could fit in your luggage or backpack. Unfortunately (fortunately for you!) This is completely wrong. You can sell digital products like e-books and courses on Ebay and never pay a dime for shipping. For physical products, you can also easily create a central order processing to ship your hardware without you having to lift a finger.
Generate traffic to websites using simple techniques. Can you get in an online forum and answer people's questions about a subject? Then you have enough skill to drive internet traffic! If you send traffic to websites looking for customers on your subject, you can pay for it.
Make an income while traveling is not as difficult as it may seem ... just need to decide on a few simple steps that few people know. Soon you will make more money while traveling than you would if you had a 9-5 job! The only thing you take action.

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