A few weeks ago, I wrote an article on alcohol, which has raised emotions with friends. Alcohol is something I can happily give a miss because it is not really close to my heart. So I thought it was going to deal with something that is a little closer to home.
COFFEE. Mmmmmmm. But I have to go with a coffee and the smell wafting past my nose makes me practically drooling like Homer Simpson CH-OCO-late.
It is fair to say that the way of life of milk is rooted in me. Sitting around and catch up with their peers, while taking your favorite beverage (white dish, very hot mine, made with love). What a way to spend half an hour. And
judging by the five coffees 100 feet from me (I'm writing this one), it
is understandable that it is rooted in many others too.
I just had the bartender told me that they sell an average of about 800-1200 cups a day! Thus, it is easy to say that I am the only coffee drinker here. What surprises me most is that contributed an average of two of these cuts. At $ 3.50 a pop, which is $ 49 per week and 2548 dollars per year! It is a return flight to the other side of the world there. Ouch.
Recognize always coffee, or even more caffeine, like a pick me up. Clear
the fog cloud hanging over your head first thing in the morning, then a
solution in the afternoon to reach the goal of the day. It is interesting also, caffeine is often considered a weight loss stimulant.
First, I think we all agree that if you keep things in perspective, manages the body well. Words. Eat healthy and natural foods, most meals, but throws a pizza from time to time, no problem. But when the balance starts to look the other way in which the body begins to give.
am the first to defend the coffee because I like the flavor and all the
culture that goes with it, so I think I can justify the odd drink, but I
know that these scales began to tip, which today led
me to start digging a little deeper and find out what the effects of
caffeine hit is regular, and that's what I came up with.
you have a cup of coffee, you start uncontrollably neurons firing in
the brain, which activates the pituitary gland to secrete a hormone that
tells the adrenal gland to wake up and release adrenaline.
now, I put "fight or flight" mode that answer, I'm sure you're aware,
of course, you can see the great benefits of this "fight or flight"
safety mechanism that is integrated into all and
to each of us as a loaded gun, ready to go to the threat of lower risk
or aspiration, as we sit in our office chair or coffee to check our
email first thing in the morning.
this in mind, your body has just been put on red alert, with the
greatest danger is likely to extend his cup of tea or writing error.
you can get a bit of a facelift this (because it generally increases
blood sugar too, which is cons-productive to weight loss), but of course
you get with a crash later in the day. Constantly
doing today is excessive pressure on the adrenal glands, the glands
that secrete forces when there is not much to give, they are short of
time, and can contribute to swings mood, depression, fatigue, etc.
put some icing on the cake, caffeine inhibits the absorption of iron
and zinc by 50%, especially if consumed close to meals. Just type in Google, there are a lot of ideas about it.
Now, after re-reading what I just wrote, I am putting the logic and meaning of each coffee I've had so far: -
- Know surprising (to me)
- Social aspects (good excuse to go out and talk)
- Raising awareness for a short period of time, if necessary reaction lightning while sitting on my butt.
- And it's cheap at $ 3.50. Just a little treat every day.
- At $ 3.50 a cup twice a day, you have a Round the World ticket. If you divided by two for a cup, but I have a surf trip to Bali (Sydney) once a year.
- There is an art to live without stress balls with daily curves launched against us. Is
it necessary to complicate this more to our endocrine system under
stress, which can contribute to mood swings, depression, fatigue, etc.
- Power here in the city these days do not have enough nutrients as it is, especially with the transformation. This is what we want to do more than we need?
My favorite drink just give a whole new look. If I bury my head in the sand a little more, surely no one will come after me and kick my ass!
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