Reasons To Travel

I always wanted to travel around the world from the age of eighteen years or more. The only problem I had was to raise enough money for the trip and no full-time job and I was going to college was not really an option.
After I graduated from university with 4 years worth of debt and bank overdrafts. I am often astonished to think that people find the money to travel around the world before college, they must have some very generous parents.
After college, I went to the university where there were a lot of distractions to stop traveling, but in all honesty, would probably not go far enough at this stage. When I finished, I came across a debt to pay.
Reasons to travel around the world:
- Experience the Culture Shock - A great experience in the formation of character can come to travel, especially if you're in a situation where the culture is totally different from home. There are complex situations where you have to think on your feet and react in a way that would not in their own comfort zone at home.
- Find personal preferences - When you travel around the world soon discover what you like and do not like certain foods, music, languages, monuments etc. Traveling is a good way to learn about yourself. People who travel on their own also know what kind of person who gets along very quickly.
- The Confidence Builder - If you are traveling solo around the world where you find yourself having to make decisions, book tickets, flights and usually have to take control and take action. This can be a great confidence builder that will face extreme circumstances that would be at home. When you get home everything will seem a little easier.
- Challenge your taste buds - travel is really a great chance to try new dishes, eating snake in China Guinea pig in Peru, you will find some interesting options on the menu. Open your mind, go with the flow and make the most amazing cuisines offered.
- Be Culture Vulture - One of the main reasons to travel is to see and discover new interesting cultures are very different from what we are used to at home. You can discover this country and their people are really in place to get an impression of seeing on television.

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