Travel the World - for Free!

I was fortunate to travel to several countries, while the company - the country has never been a holiday. There are pros and cons to working / doing business in a foreign country in relation to visit as a tourist, but I found it very rewarding. I made many friends are invited to the homes of many of his colleagues to meet their families, ate local specialties and see all the local attractions (I was in the Giza pyramids three times - see pictured right), because the partners are always proud to show their country. After all, do not always take visitors from Alberta in the Rockies? Foreign trade delegations traveling to Calgary always set the time to go to Banff, often timing to coincide with the weekend.
So, although I do not sell a product, I consider myself as an exporter. This is because I export my experience and knowledge - basically I export a service. Many Canadian companies more services (consultants), environmental companies to engineering firms could export but are not.
Here are four ways to start.
1. Consult.
Consultation abroad mainly exports a service. For many Canadians the obvious first step is to examine the possibilities offered by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) - the executing agency for the support of Canada $ 2.87 billion program.
CIDA funds various development programs, some of which are managed and executed by the government of the recipient countries and other partners to Canadians. In both cases, experts are required for certain aspects of the project. In my case, last year I spent a total of three months of work in Indonesia, the provision of technical assistance related to exports to clothing manufacturers in Bali.
To work with CIDA, all consultants must be registered with Consulting and Audit Canada. However, CIDA does not directly contact everyone and therefore it is useful to know the partners that cooperate with CIDA, and luckily, a list of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is available on CIDA's website (Division of Industry "Volunteer type 'in the search box, select the first result, then click on" Links to CIDA partners ").
CIDA also publishes a list of all current bilateral projects, including the name of the lead organization, the value of the project and the remaining time. You might be able to offer their services to these organizations. On the main page of CIDA, click on "Projects" and "contracts and agreements with CIDA.
Once you have gained experience working with CIDA, many international financial institutions like the World Bank also hire planning, management and evaluation of their projects consultants. For example, right now, there is an expression of interest by a "Country Environmental Analysis" for Vietnam. It also helps to maintain contacts with the World Bank and contracts less than $ 100,000 new.
Even if you're not in the business of "development", think about what you can offer expertise in other countries.
Two. Foreign partner.
Very few companies succeed abroad if they have a local partner, if you sell a product or service. The format of an association in the export of services (for example, joint ventures, strategic alliances, participation agreements), is not necessarily the main consideration, but the Canadian company should take the time to determine what they want and need from their partners abroad. Someone to identify and pursue leads? The work to make certain aspects of the project? Administrative assistance? An understanding of local laws and customs? Language support? Competitive Intelligence? The Canadian partner must also take account of what they bring to society. The new technology? Expertise? Funding?
CIDA funds available for businesses of Canadian companies in developing countries under its Industrial Cooperation Program.
Do you have a unique technology in demand overseas, but are reluctant to start exporting? Do not assume all the responsibility yourself - find a local partner and reap the benefits.
Three. LAN.
This method of entering new markets is probably one of the most neglected, despite its low risk. Each Canadian company working abroad is outsourcing some aspects of the project, usually someone they know and trust - often one of their suppliers. For example, oil and gas companies have operations in more Canadians abroad as well - often in remote areas that require housing and food. Instead of relying on local capacity, usually hire their services camp known Canadian companies, ensuring the comfort of employees - by a field full of workers in the oil rig are wretched, and miserable is not a good thing!
Take a look at your customers and see if any of them do business abroad.
April. Teach.
Everyone is aware of opportunities to teach English abroad, which is what my sister is doing right now in South Korea (see photo left). He signed his contract with a Toronto-based agency is essentially exporting their knowledge of English and Canada (who actually sang O Canada in a room full of students without accompaniment!). At the post-secondary level, countries are quickly developing their education systems require teachers and partnerships with foreign institutions in all skilled occupations. China and UAE are two that come to mind. However, it is not only within the formal education system, educational opportunities and training arise. The same number of Canadian businessman who printed my exporting advice (June 6 - 19, 2005) proposes a model scantily clad on the cover (I guess sex sells even business magazines) with the phrase: "Business becoming Top Model of China. "After four years of work in China, where white skin is appreciated (and here in North America millions are spent on tanning lotions and tanning salons - go figure), the Canadian model Tracey Grebinsky working with an agency local talent: 1) train Western models of the complexity of working in China, and 2) educate Chinese companies about the business of modeling (ie, contracts, choosing a "look" in collaboration with agencies , etc.).
Reassess if you have an exportable service. I'm a big believer that almost anything can be exported.
So pack your bags and get ready for an international adventure.
Copyright © 2005.
Cheryl Lockhart of International Strategies Ltd. assists small and medium-sized Canadian and foreign navigate the complexities of the development of world trade companies. Services include identification of international projects and management, research and market analysis and a foreign partner for development.

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