Dermatologist Recommended Skin Care Daily Regimen

A system of simple skin care, used daily, will keep your skin young and healthy.
Basic Skin Care Regime review:
• Wash your skin twice a day with a mild soap-free cleanser. Be sure to use a soft cloth, remember not to rub too hard.
• Moisturizers should be used after washing, get better results by applying within 3 minutes after bathing. Using moisturizers skimp, especially in cold, dry days, it is sometimes necessary to use up to two handles to cover your entire body. Use moisturizers make skin look younger and helps protect the skin.
• Use sunscreen every day is recommended. Choose a sunscreen can be difficult, but you need to find one that protects against UVA and UVB rays, find one that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more. Sunscreen should be applied even when you're exposed to sunlight through windows (glass penetrating UVA rays do not burn the skin and UVB rays, but may be linked to premature aging).
• Use only the makeup that is oil-free and non-comedogenic (which means they do not block pores and considered unlikely to cause acne).
• lipstick or a block of sunscreen lip is necessary to protect the lips.
• hot showers or baths more unhealthy. Hot water removes natural oils from the skin, leaving you dry. Dermatologists recommend taking a shower or a bath in sweet warm water or a short period of time to get the best results.
The development of a simple model of skin care is easy, not too complicated or not to stick with it.
Recommendations for the choice of products skin care: choose products that you can enjoy every day and it is best to choose products that are hypoallergenic and fragrance free.
Some products skin care can be very expensive and may make statements which may or may not want to admit. You must follow the recommendations of your dermatologist and find the products that will fit you and your skin type. If you find that you are not compatible with a certain product, or do not see results after five to eight weeks, repeat the process to find a product that is right for you.
If you choose moisturizers contain enough sunscreen, usually not well protected in order to maintain the use of sunscreens that provide broader coverage of UVA and UVB that gives the appropriate factor sun protection is recommended.

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