Internal Communication and Internal Marketing - Synergetic Perspectives

Internal communication can be considered as a component of internal marketing mix. From the point of view internal marketing, employees considered and should be treated as internal customers, whose needs should be met with the same attention, diligence and methods dedicated to external customers. The adoption of an internal marketing approach ensures employee loyalty, motivation and productivity. The positive consequence is that, in meeting the needs of internal customers, an organization must be in a better position to provide the necessary quality to satisfy external customers.
The same marketing tools used to attract the customers can use to attract and retain the best employees, and gain the best performance from them. Therefore, customers who purchase goods and services from those who differ from odd jobs "buy" companies, ie those who work there.
Therefore, internal Adopts traditional marketing to develop and distribute marketing products "job" for employees, internal customers. "The products of employment" are information, knowledge, environment and physical and social tools for internal clients to successfully perform their duties to Achieve organizational and personal goals work.
"Internal customers" are internal employees who receive products employment, and "internal suppliers" are those that provide these products and can include entire departments or the company as a whole, but also supervisors and workers.
"Internal products" are the values ​​and attitudes of employees necessary for the implementation of effective marketing strategies and training to develop the knowledge of the internal customer.
The "price" is defined as the cost for employees to gain new knowledge, while reports "internal promotion" effective communication for employees, for example, the use of interaction face-to-face recognition and reward systems.
In addition, the tools used to distribute products to internal customers are the "internal place." Examples include formal meetings and the use of consultants to provide in-house educational progress. Also it is necessary to use "physical evidence" is the workplace.
Regarding internal communication as part of the internal marketing mix opens up a wide range of potential concepts and very important practical consequences. First, there is the integration of external communication.
If internal communication strategies are made in conjunction with the external marketing communications, announced the promises are more likely to be bright for the level of performance necessary because the staff is better prepared to execute.
Another practical aspect is that it is advisable to conduct a thorough segmentation "internal public" of the organization to produce messages that completely satisfy the needs of differentiated communication.
Internal marketing should always be a process of two-way communication between employees and management. Internal marketing can affect the adoption of improved internal communication, and encourage employees to participate in the use of techniques of quality management focused on the client to all organizational processes.

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