The African King of the Jungle

The king of the jungle and the lion is the most famous animal in Africa. A trip to Africa is not complete without a visit to the majestic, strong and proud of their natural habitat rulers. They are light yellow brown. You can tell a male from a female adorns the lion's mane. This is a band of black or brown from thick neck upper back hair. Protect the lion when he fights with others.

An adult male lion weighs about 150 kg to 227 kg and measure about 4 meters high. A length of about 5 to 8 feet. Females are smaller and weigh much less. It is the second largest feline after the tiger. He is the only cat that is social and live in groups.

Lions live for ten to fourteen years in the wild and about 20 to 25 years in captivity. Can operate over short distances at a speed of about 50 mph. This is a purely carnivorous and feed on the flesh of wildebeest, gazelles, impalas, zebras and buffalo. When food is scarce, they can bring down an elephant.

The king of the jungle now only be found in areas of the Sahara South, East and South Africa. In ancient times, lions used to roam freely in Africa. This population has declined considerably as a result of food shortages, human intervention and disease. Today, only about 21,000 are in Africa.

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