The Importance Of Kinship In Islam

The importance of kinship and maintaining family ties is evident from the teachings of the Koran and Islam. One can easily see that this is very important because the lessons have been repeated many times in the Quran and Hadith. According to a hadith,
"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, that maintain the relationship." (Bukhari)
God exhorts Muslims to be kind and compassionate in all kinds of relationships with friends and family. In this case, refers to the immediate family and the extended family. This has great significance in Islam, because it will have a positive effect affects society and lead all Muslim families. In addition, when families come together, resulting in a more united nation Ummah.
Allah knows everything because He is the Knower. Therefore, he knows that the rupture of relations with family members is not sufficient for the Muslim community. Therefore, Muslims must avoid breaking based on minor problems, such as money, personal grudges links, envy and differences in religious beliefs.
It is sad and depressing that most people in this world are materialistic. The world revolves around materialistic gain and people often break the bonds that are economically not as strong as they are. It is very sad to see that the family members are often break their links with other family members, simply because they are in the same income level. Allah says in the Holy Quran
"And those who break the covenant of Allah after ratifying it, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined (ie they sever the bond of kinship and are not good to their relatives) and harm working in the country, in them is the curse, and for them, it is the unhappy home. "(Ar-Rad: 25 Muhammad also :22-23)
In this verse, Allah cursed those who cut his ties with his family. These people are deprived of the mercy of Allah. Allah urges Muslims to be kind and compassionate to those who are not as economically and financially stable. Provide financial support to family members when you need Allah reward people act extremely pious.
Personal grudges
Being a human being, it is understandable to have misunderstandings and misconceptions. However, those who forgive and accept excuses are among those whom God loves. God encourages Muslims to have a clean and pure heart free, resentment and misunderstanding.
Even in a family, some family members will be more lucky than others. This is because God created all equal, but all are equal in the eyes of Allah. This means that there are individual differences and on the basis of these individual differences, some people believe they are luckier than others. Therefore, even the members of the family can be jealous or envious of other achievements. Allah says in the Qur'an:

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