Adrenaline Sports - The Trend of Extreme Tourism

There are all kinds of tourism. Extreme sports have become a new trend in the 1990s, a new opportunity to take extreme adventure vacation. Here you have the opportunity to try different extreme sports in a short period of time.

It offers group rates gives travelers an initiative cost and privacy to a group instead of sticking like a sore thumb. How do these items, and what they offer?

One of these homes is to go sandboarding. He parks sandboarding in Brazil, Oregon and Peru, to name a few, so be sure to find a suitable desert. The Middle East and South Africa have plenty of natural sand dunes to the table.

Immerse the Titanic! If you liked the movie, did you fantasize remove debris himself? Well, you can. The Russian research ship will take you to the location of the ship and submersible you will fall into the high-pressure zone.

Speaking of movies, adventure enthusiasts Unlimited offers holidays in a Hollywood stuntman A week is provided. Make weight and try their hands at acting around! Includes the use of actual use of double harness, and learn some driving style getaway car.

Another great movie of 1970, jaws, you can be fascinated. Remember the scene where the shark attacked the man in the cage? Well, whether you believe it or not, Shark Cage Diving KZN is ready to make your dream a reality. Now, perhaps the man in the cage! Your teeth are made of rubber - right? Started as a dive time, so that you can observe white sharks in action. They are guaranteed to pass very close to his cage and give him more time. If you really like, you can go for a longer period of time.

Space tourism is for the very rich, with fee fine of $ 200,000. Zero gravity flights are available to take you into space on a suborbital flight. This service is available for Virgin Galactic and is expected to be launched during the first half of 2013.

You dream of going where no man has ever been before? heli allows you to do that. The pilot of the helicopter that offers higher elevations of the mountain! Imagine a foot peak ski adventure of 6500 mountain areas above the tycoons. Now imagine virgin white powder, immaculate in the upper echelons of the mountain. This tour comes with a guide and can be used as an all inclusive package or elevator payment option. It is preferable that the mountains of Italy and British Columbia.

If you still feel the attraction of ice, go to an igloo village where you will actually sleep for several days in an igloo! All this takes place at the peninsula of Greenland, home of the indigenous Inuit people. They live near the polar bears, walruses, sea lions, oxen, and more, courtesy of Abercrombie & Kent Extreme Adventures.

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