Age of Authoritarian Democracy

State population means that the people of Pakistan have the right to decide their own country. According to the democratic idea, people think of them and select staff to fulfill their desires. An election is a public matter. The people, the right to elect their representatives and decide on political dialogue, carry out their various polling stations on election day and record your wishes. The main process of democracy today revolves around a surface electoral event: the system of selecting candidates for senior positions in the country to allow voters to seal the ballot every five years. We can vote to elect our leaders.

Pakistan is a representative democracy where the people elect their representatives in five years, so that the laws and policies in their favor. This is what democracy has to do with Pakistan. In fact, Western democracy is a tool of evil. Once again it is a tool in the box used to keep believing that we are free people. A true democracy is a little different. In a democracy, the will of the people is the basis of collective decisions. The great fundamental issue now before our people can say briefly. Him: Are you able to govern the people of Pakistan to rule themselves, to control themselves? My argument against democracy that prevails is this: is this the best way to run a country for all countries of the world? It seems to work great for the countries to the west and to the point, but it always works for developing countries like Pakistan?
Is our democracy provides access to fair play and justice? Well, maybe, if you're rich, you have all the necessary connections. The legal system of our so-called democracy is rotten to the core and a sham so that most of the electorate is concerned. So this democracy does not work, except for those who are worse than any tyrant the world has ever had. Like other institutions, justice is there to protect the ruling elite and to propagate and promote the "system". Limiting the participation of people simply voting every five years has significantly reduced responsiveness of the people's representatives. In addition, representatives often make policies that are not aligned with the wishes of the population. We can not reasonably ask for a change in government, but if the voters feel that people generally have no influence on the development of government policies.
Many people, it seems, to vote in a sense of moral obligation. Slogans PPP rule of law, and democracy, is to entertain people and give a false image of democracy, when the most important elements of democracy are hidden from the eyes. Many people believe that the democratic process is limited to the act of giving a blank check signed representatives to make decisions on their behalf, the chances of real change, a change is minimal. The system is now used also used the power, wealth and influence of some of them to maintain power and preserve their advantages and cling to the wealth and resources of the nation they seek to serve.
Low turnout is another concern of democracy. In Pakistan, the voting is not compulsory for a large number of voters decide not to exercise their right to vote. This is no fault of the people who do not vote because they do not have a choice and because they have no choice, they should not be pushed vote. They think that politicians are all the same, at least in their actions. Due to the lack of trust between the majority of voters in the political, can not be considered as a representative democracy. For example, in the 2008 elections, the PPP won only 13% of the votes of all voters, but was part of the government. This democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 13 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other ninety-seven percent.
The problem is that people are so fed up with rampant corruption and political dynastic politics in Pakistan today become the blame on politicians and the institution of democracy. Pakistan's political parties are undemocratic. They are family heirlooms to children inherit their parents' popular position on the basis of land ownership and the state of society. They keep an eye on the U.S. response, while wreaking havoc on their own people. Obviously, they see themselves as responsible, not Pakistanis but for U.S.
Democracy (real democracy) can solve many of our chronic problems. Democracy should not be afraid if people are well informed and if the civic institutions and virtues are deeply rooted in society. More social policy means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. The current system has created a vacuum progressive worsening structure or principles of social morality and religion as a result of greed, opportunism and culture of Basic Instinct. The democracy we seek to practice is beyond our understanding! Do not try to implement western design systems that are harmful to our culture, values ​​and respect. Who would have thought that our nation will one day go to such extend a divided and killing people turn against each other, brother against brother and children against parents, against the government and its people people against their leaders.
My opinion is that we redesigned our own democracy, a democracy that integrates our values, beliefs and traditions. I think much of the nation of Pakistan united, peaceful and economically dynamic, but we need a reform of the constitution to change the face of our Constitution currently imitates western style democracy. Democracy for partisan politics is very vulnerable to these Western-backed government and finance that can "guarantee" your favorite leader or the government comes to power in Pakistan. Social democracy is not a luxury but an absolute necessity, the essential need for the formation of the welfare state. If democracy is really what everyone wants, then you must realize that they need to have appropriate systems to make democracy work. Otherwise, I see no change in how this country is on.

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