Defining the Inherent Nature of Mankind

It is an ancient religious question, the philosophical concerns of the nature of humanity and if we as a species are inherently good or bad. Some religions say that nothing like "original sin" has already taken the first biblical fathers by humans, Adam and Eve. Others wonder if the horrible crimes against humanity shows that the authors simply live your divine plan. If yes, then we are programmed to be bad from the start, so the only way to overcome this "intrinsic nature" of evil, is to impose strict rules on society?

I will examine some of the scientific results presented by the various fields of medical, psychological and hypnotic research indicating that humanity is inherently evil. To solve this problem, of course, I will focus on two separate but interdependent. The first is the nature of the soul, and the second is the body's response to stress in life on Earth, which can make him / her appear to be "good" or "bad."
Before the birth of the human soul human baby merges with the human body. Many graphic descriptions of the merger have been registered by the hypnotic past life therapy, and life between lives hypnosis sessions. The soul is described in these studies that literally created a spark of life from the "heart" or center of God, a bit o 'Sparkle' God, if you want. These studies have described international life God from the perspective of a soul as "light" and "pure love", so from that point of view, it is understandable that the soul, as a work of God, must also be made light / love energy. Quantum physics proves that light and energy are interchangeable components, where one is just another aspect of the other. Thus, mathematically, the spiritual components of light and love are equivalent and interchangeable. This is an important concept because it helps explain how the pure love (ie, the soul) may be distorted by their life experiences while living in a human body.
You see, a soul that is in the earth experience physical reality tend to forget about, or other than your immediate life on Earth exist. These souls "earth" feel no connection with the common good, a higher purpose, or a pull of God. They focus on the here and now of human life, and the many negative trials and tribulations of life on Earth poses for the human body. Without a sense of purpose, the soul loses its independence and will give them the fears that reside in the physical component of the human body and allows the body to choose the direction and decisions in life.
Various forms of fear cause the human body to feel the tension and the reaction of the organism to stress causes the energy of the soul to become "distorted" locked and short on time. There are many forms of fear that the human body wants to fight: the fear of loneliness, fear of starvation, fear of personal safety, fear of competition (or not being able to meet their own needs and desires), etc. These are the answers we do to these fears, both consciously and unconsciously, to create our own life experiences in relationship and how our souls are developed from these experiences. Souls who have lived many lives develop a level of confidence in their ability to overcome tensions, and that trust can affect the body and how it will react to these external stressors. For example, a soul can be experienced in terms of how to overcome the loss of a loved one, while another can fight and develop paranoia paralyzing life. The negative response will have a lasting impact on the soul, which slightly changes the energies that make up the soul. Energy flow of a healthy soul unhindered by connecting to your higher self, which infuses them with renewed vitality and confidence to meet the daily challenges of life, and soul "distorted" feel impedances should be corrected. This "fixation" can be done both on land - but to a lesser degree and slower - and fully in the life to come, I will explain briefly.
The strain energy of the compounds of the soul over time more stress is added, but not resolved, which makes sense considering the simple visual reference a straw. When you make a twist on a straw, fluid flows slowly through this downturn. The twist is a factor in long-term stress that the soul was not able to overcome. Now, when the soul experiences a second stressor that you can not overcome, a second form "twist" in the straw, which further restricts the flow of energy. Imagine straw becomes a knot in it, and thousands of straws are woven together, creating a complex system through which should flow unimpeded power, and you can begin to appreciate the complexity involved in human soul. We can then see how the humans do not know how to react to the stress of everyday life can quickly develop twisted souls that they are unable to influence their body. In other words, human consciousness becomes calm, and fear is the human body begins to dictate how humans respond to future stress in your life.
These inadequate humans can commit atrocities against their compatriots (murder, rape, theft, etc.) in response to their own human fears. The inadequate human can feel insecure and a desire to show the strength of life, made a bad decision to commit an act of violence against another person. These people are not bad in itself. They simply have not been able to learn to manage stress in life and were negatively influenced by their own life experiences. For example, a child who is raped or abused can easily become overwhelmed, do not know how to react to stress, and the energy of his soul is distorted and hampered by the constraints imposed on them. If there is no external factors involved in the life of this child to help him / her learn to face and overcome stress, the energy of his soul and not tangle the child becomes an adult with the "darkness" within of them, representing the energy of the light / that can be prevented naturally flow into your soul. The most important concept to note here is that this light impedance is not bad, but is simply the flow obstruction light / love / energy.
Every human being can be avoided, and his soul will be repaired at some point, if not in this life, shortly after passing through the afterlife. There are many paths that can be followed to help solve the soul of a person in life, and there is a "path" either individually or how they need to follow to get this help. For example, some may find comfort in religion, and yes, no religion is not enough. No one religion has all the answers, and the nature of religion is not important because it is just the mechanism of stress relief that helps heal the soul. Others may find relief in meditation and introspection, which can help the soul to connect to your higher self, and understand why everyone should know these constraints in life (ie to grow as souls learn to adapt to different stressors). And others may find relief through counseling, which can help us learn to deal with our stress and concomitant emotional problems that have developed in response to negative life experiences. Other positive response mechanisms are also possible (eg, quiet recreation or volunteer work, etc.), and yet there is not one way of healing.
For those souls who can not be fully repaired before the end of their lives, life between lives of studies have shown that souls are healed in the afterlife for "caregiver" souls to untangle the knots and knots the weary, recently deceased soul through a process that seems quite similar to the surgery. The trial does not apply against these evil souls and the harm they have done in life, but rather a review of life unfolds with the soul to help you learn how their actions affect others, and What other answers could be used instead of a better result. It was universally revealed by these studies between the life sentence imposed on those souls who have made bad decisions in life on Earth. Not sent to hell because hell does not exist. (Nothing exists outside of God, because God is everywhere and everything, and God is love -. No hell) On the contrary, the soul learns from his mistakes, and finally is sent to Earth to meet the the pain on Earth - thus obtaining a more direct experience to learn - or to live in similar circumstances to see if you make a better decision and reaction pressure on your next all. For example, a person who kills another in a dispute can live another life with similar circumstances to see if the soul has learned to overcome this problem with a more positive outcome. There are many possible tensions in life, it is easy to see who could require hundreds or even tens of thousands of lives before the soul learns to respond positively to each of these potential stressors. Send a soul to hell after a single fault certainly does not serve the purpose of learning from his mistakes. Nobody could ever live a perfect life on the first try, eternal damnation for not lead to an increase of mankind.
The words and actions of Jesus of Nazareth, continue to support these claims that the goal of human development is to learn to resist the temptation to overcome fear, and not react negatively to the trials and tribulations of life . After the model is not easy, and there is much to learn from the answers given in the studies of life between lives to see what our soul learns during these periods is considered acceptable response to stress. (For example, there is no such thing as righteous anger and indignation. Must not be intimidated or allow others to be bullied, etc.).
So you see, the man is not bad in itself, but humans are prone to make bad decisions from time to time, both large and small. There are several ways to get these bad decisions, and it is possible that the person who made the worst decisions in life to overcome and correct his life (and soul), even in life itself. People can be redeemed themselves are the embodiment of love, because we still have a spark of God, by definition, God is love.

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