Reasons Why Laughter Is Contagious

Did you find yourself laughing with someone recently about something not found particularly funny? This is probably because researchers have shown that laughter is contagious. Consider why laughter is contagious and why laughter is so good for you.

What is laughter? Laughter is the physiological response to humor. Research shows that the sound of laughter causes a strong reaction in the brain and can automatically prepares smile or laugh. Once you start the initial smile, our brain wants more and stimulates the neural circuits in the brain to generate more laughter. Our brains are activated an automatic response which is why reflex imitate someone laugh, even if you feel the same emotion that they are.

Some scientists believe that laughter may have been a precursor to language. It is believed that laughter was used by our ancestors as an important way of showing friendship. Today, laughter is still helping us interact socially and helps to build strong relationships. The more laughter in a group, the binding occurs more in this group.

In fact, laughter occurs usually in groups. Try to laugh now. Is it difficult or forced? Laughter is an involuntary action and it is very difficult to forge. Studies have shown that people in social situations are more likely to make fun of people who are alone (not including pseudo-social situations such as watching TV). We can find fun things when we're alone, but when we are alone, we are more likely to smile or talk with us instead of laughing. In many cases, laughter is a shared experience.

What are some of the benefits of shared laughter? As a physiological response, there are many reasons why laughter is good for our health. Research shows that laughter functions as a technique for stress reduction by reducing levels of certain stress hormones that weaken the immune system and increase blood pressure. Reducing blood pressure and stimulating the immune system, laughter can help prevent deadly diseases such as heart failure.

Laughter is also a good exercise! Laugh gives your diaphragm and respiratory muscles, face and the back of a workout. In 15 minutes, laughter burns 10-40 calories to generate extra movement and increased heart rate. This is one of the most fun exercises you can do!

Besides the health benefits, laughter creates feelings of happiness and often helps them feel more positive about life. A laugh can get us out of our problems and allow us to gain new perspectives and new points of view.

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