Billy Graham Death and Theological Humility - Will the Next Generation Follow in His Footsteps

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billy graham death

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Every three years , the young evangelists from around the world gather in Portland , Oregon to abilly graham death
 ttend a conference organized by the Alliance for the next generation , an organization dedicated to mentoring the next generation of global gospel preachers . While I'm looking forward to the innovative evangelism conference next week , billy graham death
 I think a serious reflection on the man most of us attend the conference to take most of our inspiration from Billy Graham 's order.

The typical story of Billy Graham goes something like this . Billy began his ministry as assertive fundamentalist . In the early days of his ministry , preaching the gospel went hand in hand with the defeat of communism. Finally , the champion billy graham death

of the Vietnam War and its close association with Richard Nixon Graham met him and he burned Committee , resulting in a crisis of faith that produces a much softer and wiser Billy Graham .

As familiar as this story is that I think it is a mistake to reduce the metamorphosis of Graham pre - and post- Nixon Nixon as if all that Graham has learned in his old age was that it is wrong to politicize the Gospel. This simplification of the life and ministry of Graham gives a key aspect of billy graham death

the legacy of Billy Graham , who has become a sort of elephant in the room . Like it or not, life and ministry of Billy Graham is a middle ground between fundamentalism and theological liberalism .

For example , there are two issues that have been tested for biblical orthodoxy fire between the evolution of the fundamentalists and the fate of the evangelized the day of judgment . On the subject of evolution, Billy Graham has always maintained throughout his ministry that Christianity and evolution are compatible.

 billy graham death
While it may be fashionable today for evangelical leaders to speak of intelligent design over and against earth creationism , Billy Graham goes even further by insisting that the Bible is not a science book , and should not be interpreted as such . billy graham death

On this issue, Graham is more to the left than the average evangelical , biblical hermeneutics but the rest of the Scriptures stay away from theological liberalism (eg Graham can see the seven days of Genesis as figurative , but he claims that Jonas was swallowed by a whale billy graham death

actually). billy graham death

The same can be said of Billy Graham agnostic position on the fate of the evangelized the day of judgment . When asked by Newsweek if he thought that heaven would be open to people of non-Christian religions , Billy Graham said : billy graham death

billy graham death
 " These are decisions that the Lord wants . Would be foolish for me to speculate on who will be there and won ' t ... I do not want to speculate on that. I believe the love of God is absolute. He said he gave his son to the world , and I think he likes to everybody regardless of what label have. "

At first glance , it may seem that the old Billy Graham has billy graham death
in itself undermines billy graham death
the ministry of his life as an evangelist. Some have attributed his comments and other observations such as these to senility . And others have beaten as a heretic.

 Again, the reality is more complex. Billy Graham has never wavered in his belief that the death and resurrection of Christ is the only means by which a person can be saved , and he or billy graham death

apologize for his commitment to preach the gospel of converting sinners to Christ . The old Billy Graham has learned , however , is that a person can be firm in their commitment to the gospel and be theologically humble at the same time.billy graham death

Ironically , this is an example of theological humility Billy can release the next generation to make some tough questions about the classic evangelical gospel that he popularized . For example, the traditional evangelical gospel , with an altar call and sinner 's prayer rule takes seriously enough the teachings of Jesus against the accumulation of wealth and earthly possessions ? billy graham death

 billy graham death

The extent to which it will release non-violence and identification with the poor as part of the gospel of the kingdom ? The prayer of a sinner is overestimated at the expense of baptism as initiation into the Body of Christ ? billy graham death

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