Celestron Nexstar 130: The Telescope For Astronomy Courses

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astronomy courses

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I start my astronomy courses course in astronomy and some of the things needed for a class of telescope astronomy. In fact , my teacher does not realize mandatory for us to have one, but I would really like to have the best and experience first class when it is necessary for us to study a particular planet or other celestial object this issue. astronomy courses

 I tried to ask my friends would be the best telescope for a starter like me. I also included in my research that the telescope should also be able to offer the best experience I have even had to consider astronomy courses comments on the Internet because I want to buy a telescope that gives me the same quality I deserve , but with a reasonable price would be an added advantage .

Most of the answers I have included in my friends and internet were I should buy a "go-to " or "none will come." Presented the go-to means that the telescope is computerized and just log on the planet or other celestial body in your system and locate it for you. the 'no go' telescopes are in the opposite direction , astronomy courses which means that you need to search manually planet or celestial body .

For beginners like me , I immediately tried the internet for the best range of beginner and I astronomy courses found that the Celestron Nexstar 130 is the perfect candidate for me. Celestron NexStar 130 SLT comments I found that has incredible features at a low price. I also think the design is very striking.astronomy courses

I'm not disappointed when I bought my own Celestron NexStar 130 because it helped me give a very detailed description of each task given by my teacher. astronomy courses

Some of the features I've enjoyed using the Celestron NexStar 130 SLT are:

1. It features a 2-inch eyepiece Compatible their 9mm and 25mm eyepieces free , plus it has a great view.

Two . Its 130 mm reflector gave me high quality images .

Three . Its light gathering power could reach up to 30 %, which means it can collect light while looking like no other design. astronomy courses

April . Assembly is very easy, it is not necessary for the tool in place, you can release the fork support , optical tube and accessory tray just quickly .

May . The tripod is durable, is steel.

June . You can also get a CD containing the manual , you will see through the telescope and also can print letters from her .

July . With a simple push of a button, astronomy courses I can open a catalog of objects and change the scanning speed . Even I can give information about an object or just can tell me if the object you want to see can be seen with the naked eye in the sky . His astronomy software on CD -ROM titled "Heaven " helped me learn about the sky. astronomy courses

August . I can connect to my computer with NexRemote telescope control software , and the software on the telescope is extensible.

9. There is an auxiliary port for accessories such as GPS. astronomy courses

10 . The best part is it has a computerized altazimuth mount can easily locate over 4,000 celestial objects such as galaxies and stars!

On the other hand , much as I love its many advantages in performance, that too stupid , examples of which are battery and sensitivity. The battery of the telescope has a short shelf life , so you have to constantly buy batteries every time you use it . astronomy courses It is also very sensitive to vibrations .

The Celestron Nexstar 130 also good for family use . My family tried once . We went camping a holiday and I take my telescope with me, because it is also portable . My father and mother were still impressed by the clear images astronomy courses they saw and the ease of use of the astronomy courses telescope when we were watching the stars at night.

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