Challenge New Frontiers - Change Your Thinking!

Albert Einstein suggested that "the problems we face can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them." To solve a problem (or challenge), which is a state of mind or. different strategy was also Einstein who apparently said: "insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

Clients change today's value. They hope to make the change, because it adds value to the material, emotional and spiritual. However, we can not expect better marketing results, if persisted in the "same level of thinking." We deliberately - creativity and cognitive - to do something different to build and develop our brand. We can not get caught up in a mood "cost-benefit" or spend time perfecting old processes or mimic our competitors without challenging new frontiers.

HamsterWheel effect

More and more companies are doing the same thing, but expecting a different result and smarter end. This "same level of thinking" can be called HamsterWheel sensitivity effect. As HamsterWheel, companies are moving, but they are not actually move and make great progress. Because of this, it may not be enough to win new customers, market share and customer loyalty. It comes down to a zero sum game in which gains equal losses, instead of heads-up decisions that can handle different marketing results and better.

The five forces

So unfortunately many companies fall into this trap - similar thinking and acting - when faced with increased forces beyond their control, are unable to adapt and enjoy the challenge. In 1979, the famous Harvard professor Michael Porter, said the success or failure of a business depends on the way you relate to: the rivalry among firms, barriers to entry, the force (consumers or buyers), the availability of substitutes and the strength of suppliers. The question arises: "How is your company overcome these and other challenges?"

Know Your Limits

From a strategic marketing perspective, these challenges can be overcome by identifying and developing unique aspects, sustainable and competitive business. And the services of a professional and independent accredited marketing can help guide your thinking and raise your home. Another option is to consider conducting an audit of marketing because it is a wonderful and effective to use strategic tool. Both cities can play a crucial role to help him in his quest to defeat (and exceed) the internal and external forces that limit the progress of your business.

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