Living a Life of Faith

We all want to be remembered after death, but I'm sure most of us do not want to be remembered as the people who had taken the actual epitaphs on their tombs:

1. Here is where Johnny yeast. Forgive me for not rising.
Two. This is where Butch. We planted the crude. He was quick on the trigger, But slow on the draw.
Three. The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna. Former Secretary Wallace wanted a wife, and the Devil sent him Anna.
April. She always said her feet were killing her but nobody believes him.
May. Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was in the background. It was.
June. Here lies the body of our Anna. Done to death by a banana. It was not the fruit that supported the floor, but the skin of what makes it go.
July. Here there is a forest, surrounded by woods. A timber within the other. The outer wood is very good: we can not say another.

Each person who is considered "large" in the Bible was a man or a woman of faith. This faith has made a difference in the way they lived and responded to God. That's why we remember.

First, we need to define exactly what is faith. According to the author of the Letter to the Hebrews, faith is the assurance that something we want is going to happen, even if we can not see. When God makes a promise, keep it, unlike people like politicians. We have to trust God more than our natural abilities can achieve. We need to trust God with our future, because we can not see the future, only God can.

We can determine whether we are inside or outside the faith to ask the following questions:

1. I do what God told me to do?
Two. I completed the mission that God has given me for my life?
Three. Am I living in obedience to His Word and the revelation given to me?
April. I'll stick with the plan of Jesus asked me to run?

Hebrews 11 is of men and women who have lived in faith. Each received a word from God for their lives and for their generation. They carried out their mandate of God, although it was difficult to do. As a result, generations changed and pleasing to God.

Faith is convinced the evidence. It is simply to believe in the goodness of God and believe that He rewards those who seek him. Faith makes reality invisible. It's something out of nothing. Faith enables us to be all that God wants us to be, but will never be the blessing that God wants us to be, if we carry out God's purpose for our lives. Faith is a gift from God. We can accept or reject. If we accept it, we will see things through the eyes of faith, especially when we read and study the Word of God.

We can choose to trust in ourselves and in our own efforts to earn God's will, or we can choose to trust Christ and let him live his life through us so that we can live a life that is pleasing to God. Abraham obeyed God by faith. It does not affect God's orders involved. It was very difficult for him to leave his homeland because of the patriarchal culture. He had to leave his extended family. He had to leave his "security blanket". I'm sure he felt a sense of anxiety, but his faith in God helped them overcome their fears. It would be recalled that only faith in God can save us from our worries.

Abraham was rewarded for his faith, for being the father of the Jewish nation. God rewards faith. God blesses us and makes us a blessing, since the late Pastor Perry F. Rockwood said that every time he finished his radio. Abraham established the gold standard for loyalty, obedience and discipleship. Everyone can reach this standard, but Abraham reminds us what is possible.

When God speaks bless someone, is a promise to intervene in the life of that person in a powerful way. This blessing may be financial, family, emotional or spiritual in nature, but in order to receive this blessing, two conditions must be fulfilled --- obedience and faith.

Abraham came out in faith to follow God, and he identified with Christ. Everyone who follows Christ in faith is also identified with Christ. The enemies of God become our friends and enemies of God become our friends. When we trust God, we can truly walk with him in faith. If we have faith in God, we do what he asks us to do. This may be hard to do. Most of us do not want to be told what to do. We want to be responsible for our own lives, rather than follow the old advice to "let go and let God." For us, as Christians, we must live by faith in Christ in all areas of our lives. God's dreams for us is worth giving our lives, but only if we believe in Him in faith. God give us faith that frees us to be guided by it in our Christian walk of faith calls.

The readings we have heard long before a life of faith, which is one of the hardest things a Christian can do, even with the help of God. Some of us are reluctant to have faith in God, and we do not know all the facts. We can not see the whole picture. God is like. When we in the faith, do not tell the whole plan He has for us. It reveals the plan one step at a time. We can be saved by faith, without knowing all the facts. We do not know everything there is to know about Christ and the Scriptures.

Billy Graham said: "Most of us do not understand nuclear fission, but we accept it. Television do not understand, but I accept it. Did not understand the radio, but every week my voice out into the world, and I accept it. Why is so easy to accept all these miracles artificial and so difficult to accept the miracles of the Bible? "

The journey of faith is not easy. True faith is to do the things we want from God. True faith is to accept the things God gives us. True faith can change our lives. Faith enables Noah to build the ark. Faith enabled Abraham to leave his homeland. Faith enables us to persevere when faced with life's trials.

We struggle with our faith, for many reasons. For example, human reason tells us that what God asks may seem irrational. We live by sight, but God always gives us visible proof of his work. Faith is surrender to our feelings. Faith means that we will receive advice or criticism from negative nonbelievers. Satan and guilt can lead to neglect the word of God. In fact, Satan often attacks our faith immediately after the victory of faith.

If we walk closely with the Lord and life brings us a shot we invest, does not mean we abandon our faith. In fact, these are the times when you must go to him anymore. This does not mean we are doing something wrong or that God is pleased with us. Instead, we must approach this time as an opportunity for God to do amazing things through our lives for His glory. (Pause)

Even the greatest preachers of history I did not know all there is to know about Christ and the Scriptures. Many of them have had problems with their faith. For example, Billy Graham had a crisis of faith in the beginning of his ministry. It happened shortly before 1949 Los Angeles crusade, which is a household name. One of his friends were charged with keeping up with their faith and the language used in his crusades. Even after taking into account the attitude of Christ toward the Scriptures, Billy still had doubts. He wondered if he could trust the Bible.

Took a walk through the mountains of San Bernardino. He fell to his knees, opened the Bible to a tree stump, and prayed the following prayer: "Oh God, there are many things in this book, I do not understand There are many problems with it that I n 'have no solution .. There are many contradictions apparent. There are some areas in which there appears to correlate with modern science. I can not answer some of the philosophical and psychological (people) to raise. "

Finally, the Holy Spirit frees Billy read: "Father, I will accept that Your Word --- by faith, we allow faith to go beyond my intellectual questions and doubts, and I will believe . whether His inspired Word ".

Our faith is as big as our knowledge about the object of our faith. If we have little knowledge of God and His Word, we have little faith. Without faith it is very small, as is faith. We can not please God, if we have faith. We can not take for granted our faith. We must continue to work on our faith every day. Faith is more than believing. It is in this belief. Faith enables ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

God has placed in us a desire to know who we are and where we fit into the universe. No earthly can satisfy that hunger, no drugs, no alcohol, not even sex. Only faith in God can satisfy the spiritual hunger. St. Augustine said: "O Lord, you have made us for yourself. Our heart is restless until it rests in you." Today is oh so true.

When we insist on living by sight and determine the results of our actions before we act, think short and break God and His power in our lives. When you live with sight beyond faith, our spiritual lives begin to dry, we live in a lower level of satisfaction, and influence our participation in God's world decreases. Romans 1:17 says that faith is a fundamental principle for Christian living. When we choose to trust God enough to walk by faith and not by sight, we exercise our faith and capacity grows. Our spiritual lives are strengthened and you can live life to the fullest.

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