Modern Furniture - The Mid-Century Furniture Revolution

The Bauhaus principle is based on the fact that art should meet the needs of society and artistic research and art must go hand in hand. The promoters of this new way of feeling that in all regions of the modern industrial world, such as architecture, painting, commercial and industrial design and typography, etc. modern art must respond to the scientific community, without compromising aesthetic standards. When the company has experienced a radical change in the wake of the First World War, the Bauhaus presented his social ideology that was in line with the business needs of the company and is based on a more practical approach. It could give a boost to technological advances. According to them, saving time, money, space and resources should be the basic principle of modern industry. In the industrial world, they wanted man, nature and machine co-exist and work of the UN. Bauhaus furniture is the result of this principle. They wanted to create homes and appliances that are beautiful, cheap, durable, lightweight and hygienic.

The new concept has paved the way for the evolution of modern furniture. Materials such as steel and leather found wide application in the manufacture of furniture. The new style and design made stylish and functional furniture. Compact and slim models, materials, etc. available mass production has furniture. Bauhaus Furniture stunning designs can be purchased now at very affordable prices. In fact, the initial proponents of this new type of lightweight, compact steel furniture are the pioneers of modern furniture. They began the transition from traditional furnishings with contemporary furnishings. The designs and manufacturing methods that have been introduced by them always followed by manufacturers of classic furniture. Today's designers furniture designers inspired by mid-century and sparked new innovations in the furniture industry.

The latter types of classical furniture made of new technologies and new materials such as fiberglass. The latest Italian contemporary furniture is sleek, revolutionary design was inspired by iconic designers of mid-century, as Mies van der Rohe, Norman Cherner, Harry Bertoia and others. The latest Italian furniture is a product of mid-century design, classic and latest designs. The revolution launched by mid-century artists influenced art from around the world of furniture and furniture designers of the modern era are actively involved in the innovation and development of new technologies

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