The Titanic's Band

One of the most popular stories surrounding the Titanic, the passenger steamer world's largest in 1922, is the side of the ship called "Titanic Band," The Band "or" orchestra "often.Titanic band was led by Wallace Hartley, a British musician highly respected. After the driver to other ships, such as Mauritania and Lusitania, Hartley is used to explore the oceans in large boats. However, when he was offered the job of directing the orchestra to play the largest ship in the world, before the rich and famous passengers in the North Atlantic region, and with a higher salary, Hartley was persuaded to leave your job to lead the group RMS Titanic.

Titanic Band consists of eight people with two separate groups, both conducted in different places at different times. The group of five Harley performs during teatime Sunday service, and after dinner events. Another group of three musicians - a violinist, cellist and pianist performed at the reception outside the Café Parisien and a la carte.Two groups performed independently of each other. It was assumed that on the night of April 14, 1912, was the first time that Wallace Hartley, John Law Hume, Percy Cornelius Taylor, John Wesley Woodward, Theodore Ronald Brailey, Georges Alexandre Krins and John Frederick Preston Clarke played together as a group . The group met for Hartley and played in the first class lounge of the Titanic, with the hope of maintaining peace through their music passengers. They continued to play even though it was obvious that RMS Titanic was about to sink.No member of the band survived Titanic. However, at night the Titanic sunk, their names were written permanently into the history books for their selfless acts. It is believed that the last song played by the band Titanic was "Nearer, My God, to Thee."

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