Getting Car Insurance In The kia Philippines

kia philippines
kia philippines

Not necessarily to read the following lines

While I agree that if we can afford it , kia philippines we should get insured in preparation for in case something "bad" or " Unexpexted " occurs . However, not everything is worthy of being insured.

Take the example of car insurance. Its absolute must for car insurance when buying a new car or a luxury vehicle in case of theft or serious injury. kia philippines

But if you have a used car is worth less than 300k pesos I think not afford the insurance in this unit is worth .

Normally , when an accident kia philippines with his car. You take the " talyer set and estimate the cost of repairs . Or you can take your car to service station .

Depending on your car insurance provider chosen. Most insurance companies only cover the kia philippines amount of more than 5k 10k pesos. Which is quite unfair and this is one of my biggest complaints about the insurance payment .

kia philippines For example , if you only damage your coverage car insurance policy beyond 10k pesos . And if the cost of having your car fixed is less than 10k, you have not paid by the
insurance agency. If it costs 12 thousand dollars kia philippines for maintenance, the insurance company will pay 2k pesos . You shoulder 10k pesos Aside from paying annual premiums .

Of course , there are exceptions to this rule. If livelihhod depends on your car as private taxi services , school and transport to their trucks kia philippines or vans as the popular Mitsubishi L300 and Kia Ceres. Getting insurance will probably give you peace of mind in case of theft . But the value of the vehicle must be taken into account before obtaining the insurance you think you might need .

1 commentaire:

  1. I think it is a case to case basis. I have a second hand vehicle too which I bought from a friend. Although it is not necessary to get a comprehensive car insurance, I still opted to get one just in case. When I had a car mishap last 2012, my insurance covered most of the expenses. But I do agree with your point that that amount of the vehicle should be taken into consideration.
